
Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

Top 5 Dieting Myths

here are many myths around what can and cannot help you to lose excess lbs, but how can you determine which work?
To help you recognise which are authentic and ensure your weight loss plan is successful, we have highlighted 5 of the leading dieting myths that are currently on the market.
Myth One: Consuming fat free meals can help you lose excess lbs
Although following a low fat diet can help you to shift those additiona; lbs, dieticians advise against cutting fat out of your food completely as it can prompt obesity and diabetes.
As well as being necessary for your health (making sure that your brain, heart and other organs are working at optimum capacity); eating some fat can also be helpful for weight loss as it removes the hormone in your body that makes you hungry, whilst also creating peptides that make you feel not hungry.
Myth Two: Diet drinks, smoothies and juice detoxes are helpful for dieting
Scientists have revealed that sodas, juices and smoothies (particularly those which have sugar) can actually prompt weight gain as they deceive your body into believing it has consumed less calories than it has.
Similarly diet drinks can also prompt weight gain as the artificial sweeteners they include can enhance hunger for calorie-dense foods.
Myth Three: Energy bars can help you lose weight
Energy bars are fundamentally processed foods that are easily taken into your system. Consequently they don't need as much energy as raw foods to be digested, making them a poor substitute for whole foods.
Myth 4: Snacking on food all the time will boost your metabolism and prompt weight loss
Although you should not deprive yourself of food, particularly if you are wanting to get in shape, nibbling all day can be equally dangerous.
The problem with nibbling is that it misforms the body's internal eating clock making it hard to indentify hunger cues. Similarly by nibbling, even on good snacks, there is a chance that you'll ingest more than your suggested calorie intake.
Myth 5: You can eat whatever you desire as long as you train regularly
Exercise is essential to shedding excess lbs; however if you are eating a lot of high calorie snacks, then this can weaken the amount of calories you used up whilst working out. The key to getting in shape successfully is to monitor your portion sizes and exercise weekly. Working out can help to limit your appetite and keep your weight under control.

For healthy safe weight loss, it is always advised that you incorporate regular exercise with a balanced weight loss plan; however if you are struggling to jumpstart your weight loss, then ingesting a proven weight loss supplement can help.
Medically tested and proven during 6 medical studies to: make up to 28% of your fat molecules intake, suppress your appetite, lower blood cholesterol and boost your energy levels, Proactol can offer you the helping hand you need to reignite your dietary plan and lose weight 100% safely and naturally.

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